About me
Hey there, I’m Tom. I’m Type 1 diabetic and obsessed with running. When I was looking for a coach to achieve a PB, there were plenty of running experts, but no-one who understood what it is like to run when you have type 1. And, if you live with diabetes, you know it’s full on, and so coaching me to run without understanding how type 1 interacts with my ability to perform, was like teaching me to fly a plane that has no wings.
So, after 35 years of navigating diabetes, 28 years of playing sports to a high level, and 10 years running to a very high level (including 6 marathons) - I have become the thing that I needed - a Type 1 running coach. Do you have type 1 and want to run faster, get a new PB or smash your parkrun time? Well - hi! My name is Tom and I reckon we will get along very well indeed.
Modern life can be insanely busy, and the juggle of fitness goals, work life, and family life can be overwhelming. Running to me is my escape, my fun, and my personal challenge. I have 2 kids, a busy job, and try to maintain an active social life…but it can get a bit lonely plodding the streets without the time or flexibility to join a running crew or group. I believe having someone to be supported by, and accountable to, can unlock what you never before thought possible.
In recent years I’ve been coached by some of the most prominent people in running, and in diabetes, including Eoin Costelloe, Tom Payn, Manni Ovola and Matt Fox. I’ve used many of the ‘AI’ driven apps, including TrainAsOne, Runna, Kaizen. I’ve built and refined a wealth of knowledge, and would like to share it with you.
I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 6, but wouldn’t let it stop me doing anything. I grew up playing team sports (primarily rugby and basketball) to a pretty decent level, and after a very short-lived attempt at progressing with basketball, fully indulged in student / young adult life, working too hard, playing too hard, and eating poorly.
Then I hit my early 30s, and felt like I had to get some sort of fitness back, starting running 5ks, 10ks, and half marathons, working towards a 50 minute 10k and a 1:50 half. Fast forward 10 years, and at the age of 41 I’ve ticked off 2 of my 3 lifetime running goals, a sub 40 minute 10k, and a sub 90 half. Sub 3 marathon, I’m coming for you…😡.
So I’m no elite runner, not even sub-elite, but I am extremely knowledgeable in training science, progression and building towards a goal. In the non running parts of my professional life I build teams and organisations, optimise resources, and create inspirational art projects…it all connects!
Running training is fairly simple, but much more art than science; patience and consistency, as well as a positive attitude and feedback loop, are absolutely essential. If you’re anything like me though, the accountability and external perspective is the magic sauce that can really unlock what you never thought you were capable of.